By CONOR NICHOLL for Sports in Kansas
Girard boys put together another strong showing in cross country with a seventh-place state finish in Class 3A last Saturday. The Trojans finished with 178 points. Trinity Academy won with 35 points, while Southeast of Saline was second with 51 points.
Junior Tanner Ulbrich finished seventh in 16:50.6. Junior Gavin Doubrava missed all-state by one second when he took 21st with 17:38.8. Houston McGown was 46th at 18:33.6. Andy Clark was 69th at 19:09. Memphis Fox, Leo Bass and Ty Humble rounded out the team.
Last year, Girard finished fourth, though graduated standout Cormick Logue, who won the 4A title each of the last two seasons. This marked the second straight year that Doubrava was 21st when he ran 17:56.84. Ulbrich made sizable gains after he finished 37th in 18:22.68.
Two years ago, Ulbrich was 65th, and Doubrava finished 70th at state. That year, Girard took seventh, too.